White Manual Stretch Film

The White manual stretch film is elastic and tear resistant. It allows an excellent fixing of the pallets during transport or storage of packaging. Transparent to facilitate the identification of the contents of the pallets, the reading of barcodes or other accompanying documents. They require minimal application effort.
• Composition: extruded cast PE-LD
• Appearance: In film reel wound on cardboard core of gr. 270 diam. int. 5 cm
• Color: Opaque white
• Reel dimensions: Reel band max. 43 cm
• Length: 300 linear meters
• Thickness: 10 micron with max. Tolerance. +/- 9%
• Residual pre-stretch: 20% guaranteed during use
• Reel weight: 1,460 kg
• Packaging: n. 7 reels per box / n. 48 boxes for complete platform
• Platform dimensions: base 100×120 cm; max height 206 cm